Wednesday, December 5, 2018

English Language Challenges

A different language is a different vision of life
Federico Fellini

Learning a new language may be quite an adventure...!

Some people see language just as a means of communication. Sherlock would say "That's obvious, Watson, but..."

Learning another language means far more than acquiring and using varied lexis, mastering grammatical rules, understanding common idiomatic expressions, and using appropriate pronunciation, rhythm, and intonation. These and other issues are the building blocks of everyday communication. However, language is produced by people differing in origin, race, cultural background, climate, educational system, interest, well-being, ...

Thus, the language of a particular group of people varies widely compared to that of another group of people living in a distant geographical site and using the same language; people living in warm, tropical regions are more talkative, express their feelings with strong voice and bodily movements, while people in cold regions speak with a lower voice, almost whispering their ideas, taking good care of cold drafts from affecting their throats and moving slowly to keep their bodies warm.

Similar and different
The pronunciation and the writing may also vary widely even in people speaking the same language. For various reasons, Irish, Scotish, English, Australian and American people of the USA, among others, speak English with their personal touch, either you like it or not. Immigration has also played a part in the complexity and uniqueness of the language.

Thus, you might read "Monday thru Friday" instead of "Monday through Friday" or "tonite" instead of "tonight" and may hear "overr-itiin" instead of "over eighteen"...

Films, comics, facebook, videos, blogs, internet, RPGs, emoticons, chatting via WhatsApp, twitters, ... are contributing to enrich,  for the better or the worse,  our language.

In this modern, computerized world, people are closer than ever in the history of mankind through the use of internet and learning a language can be facilitated through the use of plenty of resources, such as videos, online activities, games, blogs, songs, pen pals, youtube ...

Even visiting other countries is becoming easier.

Friendly communication about almost anything...
I hope that learning to express your ideas in English via blogs have been enjoyable, fruitful and educative activities; writing posts of such a wide number of subject matters that ranged from general to scientific issues is an opportunity to both share your viewpoints with your classmates  on subjects of general interest and also learn, explore and write posts about scientific themes.

During the terms you have been bombarded with exercises of various kinds: exercises from the web, WebQuests, role-playing games and situations, instructions and dialogues in English, pronunciation exercises, blogs, units with special contents, oral interactions, videos, ... and still there is a lot to be learned.

So, I wonder .... what are your English language challenges?

Now it's your turn.

> What comments can you make about your experience learning English at university?
> What about the use of blogs?
> What aspects of your English need to be improved and how do you plan to do this?
> Outside the English class, how much are you using English these days? What for?

- Wordcount: 260
- Make comments on your teacher's and 3 of your partners'  posts.


  1. English is very important to me and all the sutends who want to study in an English speaking country

  2. What's difficult with English is basically enunciating words correctly, aside from the fact that pronunciation of many word may vary depending on the region you are in. At the very least it's not as massive as Spanish regionalism and grammar rules are simpler.

  3. English is very useful in all matters

  4. I think the English is one of the most important languages

  5. Sometimes is difficult to me to pronounce in English, because there's a lot of accents and probably I mix all of them haha, but I think what really matters is that other people understand what I'm saying

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Practice is the best way to learn a language well.

  8. English is the universal language

  9. I think the way to start in a language is to learn some basic vocabulary like verbs that we use all day and the pronunciation of them. If we remember how we learnt to speak spanish, we hear all the sounds and later we started to write!

  10. I think that learning a new language is also learning a different way of thinking

  11. The worst thing about not knowing English is that when I try to say something as North-American way and then I realize that in England it may be a bit different, I think I'm totally wrong.

  12. I think we saw a wide spectre of situations and subjects to treat in English. I learned a lot. Thank you.

  13. I don't know how people do to speak many languages, they must have an immense brain, I hopefully can speak English and my speech is not very good.
